However often you prod those stupid little balls with your disobedient cue - they never seem to get fewer! Admittedly, this might be due to the fact that you start a new game every 15 minutes and all the balls you did manage to put off the pool table are put back on it... But nevertheless!
Actually, I had a good evening with beloved friends and I wouldn't want to spoil it with negativ comments on billiard. I just don't like loosing continually and do hope to stay away from pool tables in the near future.
Besides a billiard-filled evening I spend most of my time today on the internet.
And I found an interesting device - the "Blindtextgenerator", a filler text generator.
For all those who don't know what a filler text is (half an hour ago I was one of you!):
It is a randomly generated text with the characteristics of a real written text and is used to stand in for a part of a work that is not yet written but so you can display a layout or at least a sample of fonts. Some of those texts are long, like a paragraph, e.g. "Lorem ipsum" (see here for the original text). Others are as short as one sentence and contain all letters of their respective alphabet (=pangram), e.g. "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
So, to whom besides layouters might this be interesting?
Basically everyone who has to wright texts!
Whenever you have space to fill or want to see how things might look in the end, this is where the Blindtextgenerator comes into operation.
Of course, there are more than just one of those generators on the internet but the following one has translations of many languages:
Use it! 'tis helpful!
for now
"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless you, my friend"
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