Saturday, April 18, 2009

memory gaps

... what the heck did i do yesterday???

I am 25 years old (if I remember correctly - I do have some problems to define my age, sometimes); I haven't drunk any alcohol within the last fortnight (as far as I remember); I didn't get a heavy cosh (not that I would remember if I had but there aren't any bruises on my head)...
So why is my memory as bad as it is???
As I sat here, thinking about what I could write as my new post, I wrung out my brain in order to remember what I did do yesterday that might be worth mentioning. I haven't found out what I did. Not even a hint! It's like a BIG blank in there.
I do have some form of idea about my Thursday activities. Most of Wednesday is a blur but I remember that I went to choir and had a great time there, and afterwards in k2.
Could anybody please enlighten me about yesterday?!
Speaking of enlightenment - I had a chat conversation with Doreen! Hah! I've got 1 thing :) And one with H! 2 things! :D
Well, maybe all those other important events will come up sooner or later, too. Or maybe there just weren't any? How would I know.

Maybe I should write a diary, so as to remember my activities later on.
Probably would forget to wright, though...

"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless you, my friend"


Paulchen said...

Remember good will hunting?
Could be a hint...

gaelic lupin said...

good will hunting was FRIDAY??????? O.o