Tuesday, April 28, 2009

sleeping stick

... found at Tiefsee Tagebuch, thrown over to KATHA

Favourite sleeping position? (Lieblings-Schlafposition?)
To fall asleep: On my stomach. When actually asleep: On my back.
Do you have any going-to-sleep ritual? (Hast Du ein Einschlafritual?)
Open the French window to let in some fresh air, switch of the lights, get changed, stand outside for some seconds, close the French window and cuddle into bed.
Do you have a cuddly toy, comfort pillow or the like? (Hast du ein Kuscheltier, Knuddelkissen o.ä.?)
Yes. It's a whole gang of little rascals, actually.
What do you do if you can't fall asleep? (Was machst Du, wenn Du nicht einschlafen kannst?)
Stay awake. (What a question =D )
What size is your bed? (Wie groß ist Dein Bett?)
4'8 x 6'8
How many pillows do you have? (Wie viele Kissen hast Du?)
One. As I do not have more than one head, I think one is an appropriate number of pillows.
Left hand side or right hand side? (Linke oder rechte Seite?)
Depends on which way you look at it... If possible, the side that faces the door or the side that is "open" (as opposed to the one confined by 2 walls).
How are you roused? (Wie lässt Du Dich wecken?)
Usually: By my alarm-clock. Preferably: By kisses and cuddling.
Are you getting up immediatly or do you stay in bed longer? (Stehst Du direkt auf oder bleibst Du liegen?)
I stay as long in bed as possible. Only when I am really looking forward to something or something important is about to happen that day do I get up immediatly.
First thought at awakening? (Dein erster Gedanke am Morgen?)
What's the time?????
What do you do in order to wake up? (Was machst Du um wach zu werden?)
Drink a cup of coffee.

"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless you, my friend"

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