Thursday, September 17, 2009

we like to move it move it

... well, not every minute of it

We are moving to BCity at the end of the month and thus I am sitting between piles of cardboard boxes and heaps of odds and sods. You wouldn't believe how much stuff you accumulate in 6 years. I mean, I had lots of things before we came to the city of R. but the number definitely has not decreased, since. Though, this time, I am willing and able to winnow all that stuff and throw away some of it - something I did not have the heart to do, last time. Fortunately, I started early enough with packing so that I hope to actually be ready and done when the pantechnicon van comes to a halt outside.
Well, we'll see how I manage...

For now, I've got things to pack and cardboard boxes to pile.
So far,
"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless you, my friend"

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