Wednesday, April 29, 2009

leer waer die welt

... und ohne sinn

Three little pictures of Ralf Koenig's "Archetyp" - a cartoon about the Flood and Noah's Arch. It is very funny, in general, but these three pictures are the last of the whole cartoon, and the most important ones to me.
Literary property of Ralf Koenig and FAZ, all rights reserved.

"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless, you my friend"

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

sleeping stick

... found at Tiefsee Tagebuch, thrown over to KATHA

Favourite sleeping position? (Lieblings-Schlafposition?)
To fall asleep: On my stomach. When actually asleep: On my back.
Do you have any going-to-sleep ritual? (Hast Du ein Einschlafritual?)
Open the French window to let in some fresh air, switch of the lights, get changed, stand outside for some seconds, close the French window and cuddle into bed.
Do you have a cuddly toy, comfort pillow or the like? (Hast du ein Kuscheltier, Knuddelkissen o.ä.?)
Yes. It's a whole gang of little rascals, actually.
What do you do if you can't fall asleep? (Was machst Du, wenn Du nicht einschlafen kannst?)
Stay awake. (What a question =D )
What size is your bed? (Wie groß ist Dein Bett?)
4'8 x 6'8
How many pillows do you have? (Wie viele Kissen hast Du?)
One. As I do not have more than one head, I think one is an appropriate number of pillows.
Left hand side or right hand side? (Linke oder rechte Seite?)
Depends on which way you look at it... If possible, the side that faces the door or the side that is "open" (as opposed to the one confined by 2 walls).
How are you roused? (Wie lässt Du Dich wecken?)
Usually: By my alarm-clock. Preferably: By kisses and cuddling.
Are you getting up immediatly or do you stay in bed longer? (Stehst Du direkt auf oder bleibst Du liegen?)
I stay as long in bed as possible. Only when I am really looking forward to something or something important is about to happen that day do I get up immediatly.
First thought at awakening? (Dein erster Gedanke am Morgen?)
What's the time?????
What do you do in order to wake up? (Was machst Du um wach zu werden?)
Drink a cup of coffee.

"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless you, my friend"

Friday, April 24, 2009

friday wisdom blogging

... "One's first step in wisdom is

to question everything - and one's last is to come to terms with everything."

- Georg C. Lichtenberg -

Exclusively for Friday wisdom bloggings, a new and more apt quote:
"may our heart's garden of awakening bloom with hundreds of flowers"

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

memory and remembrance

... in unforeseen places

Today, I got out an album I hadn't listened to in the approximately last 4 years.
And it is amazing how my memory works! I forget things that happened yesterday but I remember song lyrics and melodies that are years old. I could sing along to each song and only forgot those parts of the lyrics, I hadn't been able to remember the first time...
But the more interesting aspect of getting out things from some time ago, is the inner reaction.
With every book that was read before and every album that was listened to, come the feelings and ideas from last time. And those get mixed up with today's feelings and ideas. And if you get out that book or album or whatever some years later, again, you will receive the feelings and ideas of both times before.
It is like an unintentional time capsule! One that you store up every once in a while.
I love it.

"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless you, my friend"

Saturday, April 18, 2009

memory gaps

... what the heck did i do yesterday???

I am 25 years old (if I remember correctly - I do have some problems to define my age, sometimes); I haven't drunk any alcohol within the last fortnight (as far as I remember); I didn't get a heavy cosh (not that I would remember if I had but there aren't any bruises on my head)...
So why is my memory as bad as it is???
As I sat here, thinking about what I could write as my new post, I wrung out my brain in order to remember what I did do yesterday that might be worth mentioning. I haven't found out what I did. Not even a hint! It's like a BIG blank in there.
I do have some form of idea about my Thursday activities. Most of Wednesday is a blur but I remember that I went to choir and had a great time there, and afterwards in k2.
Could anybody please enlighten me about yesterday?!
Speaking of enlightenment - I had a chat conversation with Doreen! Hah! I've got 1 thing :) And one with H! 2 things! :D
Well, maybe all those other important events will come up sooner or later, too. Or maybe there just weren't any? How would I know.

Maybe I should write a diary, so as to remember my activities later on.
Probably would forget to wright, though...

"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless you, my friend"

Friday, April 17, 2009

friday wisdom blogging

... "full awakening comes

when you sincerely look at yourself, deeper than you've imagined, and question everything."

- adyashanti -

This is a new "category", inspired by older posts of trekkingwithtigers - which was "friday cat blogging". As I don't have too many cat photos, you will have to put up with weekly bouts of lores - not my own, of course. ^.^
But, hopefully, you will find inspiration or at least new food for thought. Let me know what you think about those wisdoms!

For now
"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless you, my friend"

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


..."One day, I'll find relief,

I'll be arrived,
And I'll be a friend to my friends who know how to be friends.

One day I'll be at peace,
I'll be enlightened,
And I'll be married with children and maybe adopt.

One day I will be healed,
I will gather my wounds, forge the end of tragic comedy.

I have been running so sweaty my whole life, urgent for a finish line,
I have been misssing the rapture this whole time, of being forever incomplete.

One day my mind will retreat,
And I'll know God and I will be constantly one with her, night, dusk and day.

One day I'll be secure,
Like the women I see on their 30th anniversaries.

I have been running so sweaty my whole life, urgent for a finish line,
I have been misssing the rapture this whole time, of being forever incomplete.

Ever unfolding,
Ever expanding,
Ever adventurous,
And torturous,
... but never done.

One day I will speak freely,
I'll be less afraid and measured outside my poems and lyrics and art.

One day I will be faith filled,
I'll be trusting and spacious, authentic and grounded and home.

I have been running so sweaty my whole life, urgent for a finish line,
I have been misssing the rapture this whole time, of being forever incomplete."

- alanis morissette -

"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless you, my friend"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

call me two face!

... 'cause that is what i look like

Sun bathing on Easter Sunday didn't turn out very well - too much sun, and that from just one side. Makes me look a bit like Tommy Lee Jones as Two Face in Batman Forever.
Without the maniacal vicious grin, of course!

I don't think that I am too heavily burned so I hope my skin will not start to peel off!
Still, if it turns out worse than what I hope for at the moment, I'll just try to follow The Kinks:

"We don't feel as ugly as we really are
When we turn off the living room light."


Besides the sunburn, Easter was fine. Good Friday meant a family meeting at my mother's where the cutest nephew of the world had to put up with the whole family at once for the first time in his life - poor bloke! I'm glad the day didn't turn into a flurry of flashbulbs and nobody used babytalk.
Easter Saturday we spent at Paula - sleeping long, shopping foods, playing Wizard and eating self-made hamburgers in the evening (soy-based vegetarian hamburger-meat replacement for me) whilst having a gaming night with friends of Paula. It was fun and a very relaxing day.
Easter Sunday meant getting up (too) early, heading to the train station without having had a coffee (a failure that was mended whilst waiting in the train station) and meeting up with the rest of Robert's family. We headed off to spend the day in a large park area in the north east of the city where we sat in the sun, ate lots and lots of eggs, fruits and sweets and generally had a good time. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling very well and consequently spent most of the time in a deck chair (hence the sunburn on one side of my face - I didn't turn the chair accordingly to where the sun stood).
We got back to the city of R. yesterday evening and had a very relaxed day today, again. TV, books, computer games, fresh summerlike air on the balcony, and a Pizza for dinner, each. And lots of chocolate, of course =D
*sigh* Why can't every day be like this?

"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless you, my friend"

Monday, April 06, 2009

i am officially

... a student of the university of R.!

On Saturday I got a letter by the university saying "Dear Ms. Lupin, Herewith you get permission to start your studies of choice at the University of R. [...]."
Not that I actually plan to do any studying - but I already transfered my tuition fee and am awaiting my certificate of enrollment and my ticket for the term any day now. As soon as I get those, the job-centre is getting a copy and I will not be unemployed anymore. Hurray!
By now, I am not really unemployed anymore, anyhow - on Friday I had a "casting" for a summer job (showing around American tourists from cruise ships) and within the next fortnight will attend training sessions in order to learn the facts and techniques. Unfortunately, this means I won't be able to attend the first 2 rehearsals of the term. =(
I am really sad about this as I had been looking forward to rehearsals starting again since the end of January!
Now, what wouldn't we do for money...

I think I will just sing in my head during the training session, and attend the choir crowd in the k2, afterwards.

for now
"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless you, my friend"

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

happy happy happy

...april first!

Wether you are a fan of playing pranks on friends and family on April First or not, there have been quite some good April Fool's Jokes from officials and companies in the last decades.
My very favourite one is a prank by the BBC in 1957 - a documentation about the annual Spaghetti harvest in Switzerland... =D
There were actually people who believed it. Well, I think the BBC could have shown anything in those days ;)

I hope you had a fun day!
"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting (/watching), and God bless you, my friend"