Carefull, it's a loooong one!
Name a song... (Nenne einen Song...)
that makes you sad (...der Dich traurig macht)
Sigur Rós - Untitled 1
that makes you cry (...bei dem Du weinen musst)
Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again
that makes you happy (...der Dich glücklich macht)
Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard - Now We Are Free
that immediately puts you in high spirits
(...bei dem Du sofort gute Laune kriegst)
The Proclaimers - 500 Miles
that makes you want to move along to it
(...bei dem Du nicht still sitzen kannst)
Koop - Come to Me
that you think is too short (...der Deiner Meinung nach zu kurz ist)
Iron and Wine - Naked As We Came
that means something to you (...der Dir etwas bedeutet)
The Fray - How To Save A Life
that you could listen to non-stop (...den Du ununterbrochen hören könntest)
Billy Boyd - Edge of Night
that you love (...den Du liebst)
So many. Too many to find and list them all.
that you own but do not like (...den Du besitzt, aber nicht magst)
Alanis Morissette - An Emotion Away
that has lyrics which apply to you (...dessen Text auf Dich zutrifft)
Alanis Morissette - Would Not Come
that belongs to a soundtrack (...von einem Soundtrack)
Counting Crows - Colourblind
(Cruel Intentions OST)
that you have already listened to Live (...den Du schon live gehört hast)
Alanis Morissette - 21 Things I Want In A Lover
that is not in English or German (...der nicht auf englisch oder deutsch ist)
Carla Bruni - Quelqu'un M'a Dit
that is sung by a woman (...der von einer Frau gesungen wird)
Tori Amos - Silent All These Years
that was made by a solo artist (...eines Solokünstlers)
Badly Drawn Boy - A Minor Incident
that is from your favourite band (...Deiner Lieblingsband)
Coldplay - Everything's Not Lost
that is from your earliest childhood days (...aus Deiner frühesten Kindheit)
"Wer will fleißige Handwerker sehen?"
that you identify with ( dem Du Dich identifizierst)
Among many, many others:
Alanis Morissette - Incomplete
that you would sing to your heart-throb
(...den Du Deinem Schwarm vorsingen würdest)
Thomas D. - Liebesbrief
that is good for kissing and cuddling (...zum Küssen und Kuscheln)
Jorja Fox - Under 41
that reminds you of your last heartsickness
(...der Dich an Deinen letzten Liebeskummer erinnert)
There is no song that I connect to heartsickness. None in particular.
that is about sex (...der von Sex handelt)
Keith Caputo - Upsy Daisy
that reminds you of a vacation (...der Dich an einen Urlaub erinnert)
Herbert Grönemeyer - Halt Mich
that you think is embarassing you like it
(...der Dir peinlich ist, dass du ihn gut findest)
Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On
that you like to listen to when getting up
(...den Du gern beim Aufstehen hörst)
Kristofer Astrom - How Can You Live With Yourself
that you like to listen to when falling asleep
(...den Du gern zum Einschlafen hörst)
David Gray - From Here You Can Almost See The Sea
that you like to listen to whilst driving a car
(...den Du gern beim Autofahren hörst)
Air - All I Need
that has already helped you in a situation
(...der Dir schonmal in einer Situation geholfen hat)
Alanis Morissette - That I Would Be Good
(way more than 1 siuation)
that annoys you (...der Dich nervt)
Actually, any song could annoy me after a while. There is none in particular at the moment.
that makes you furious (...der Dich rasend macht)
I have now spent one week trying to think of a song that makes me furious but could not think of one. I am sure there are some! I just can't think of one of them...
that you learned to love through a friend
(...den Du von einem/r Freund/in lieben gelernt hast)
Rosenstolz - Laut
that you are listening to right now (...den Du gerade hörst)
Coldplay - Fix You
that is by a band that no longer exists (...einer Band, die es nicht mehr gibt)
4 Non Blonds - What's Up
Phew! What a job!
Hope, you all enjoy this list =)
for now
"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless you, my friend"
1 comment:
Stein auf Stein, Stein auf Stein, bald wird das Häuschen fertig sein! *schmetter*
Ich liebe "500 miles" :D
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