Friday, March 20, 2009

i want popcorn

... du du du dum du dum

That was this evenings topic =D
Meeting at Steph's place at eight in order to eat as much popcorn as volitional and managed - and bringing along some veggies so as to make it look like we're living healthy. And actually, we did eat those veggies! Though for two different reasons:
1. You just can't spend the whole evening with just dry, greased, sugared corn without getting a sugar rush.
2. We were three people and only two packages of popcorn - the first of which was utterly destroyed within 15 minutes of its making. You can do the maths for yourself =D
Whilst eating we had fun watching photos and little videos of choir-"events", most of which I hadn't seen, yet.
And as my stomach feels full to bursting right now, I think, I can officially say that I'm in no need for popcorn anymore in the near future. Veggie sticks I'm coming! Yay!

"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless you, my friend"


Anonymous said...

Hehe, und wetten du schlägst nächstes Mal wieder ganauso zu?!
War ein schöner Abend!

Anonymous said...

jaaa, das fürchte ich auch =D
obwohl es heute erstmal müsli und eine banane gab - so vonwegen vitamine und mineralstoffe und so...
ohja, es war auf jeden fall ein schöner abend :)