Sunday, March 15, 2009

"old absolutely doesn't mean

... right.

I don't care how old your tradition is,
Or how old your belief is,
Or how socially accepted it is.
Old absolutely doesn't mean right.
It's not cool to eat a tiger.
It's not brave to hunt whales.
It's not spiritual to drink bear gall bladder.
It's not clever to hang a deer head on your wall.
It's not a public service to kill sharks.
It's not patriotic to club seals.
No matter how sanctioned or revered it is.
It's violent and it's ugly and it's soulless.
Just like slavery,
And child labour,
And police brutality,
And genital mutilation,
And ethnic cleansing,
And lynching,
And torture,
And rape,
And military dictatorships,
And Holy wars,
They're old, too.
Old absolutely doesn't mean right."

- unknown -

"from all of us here, we wish you a happy painting, and God bless you, my friend"

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